but i am pretty sure, the way most blogs start is something like this,
first list what your surroundings are,
then describe your emotions right then,
and then slowly pull the readers in,
until the reader slowly finds him, or herself "next to you" in the room,
so here we go :)
i am sitting at my desk,
well not so much my desk, but my night stand,
my buddy, taylor's computer is right next to me,
on my desk.
i am sitting here, being accompanied by my empty box of Cheez-Its,
and 3/4 empty water bottle.
currently listening to "I'm trying to make You sing" by David Crowder Band,
my room is a comfortable temperature,
about 71 or 72 degrees in here,
not too hot, not too cold, a temperature i am fond of.
being in this temperature reminds me of my favorite season,
those first last few weeks of fall, and first few days of winter,
when its about 50 degrees in the morning,
and warms up to a brisk 70-75 degree afternoon,
mmmmmmmm...i love it.
ANYWAYSS! i am sure you didn't want to know that,
and i am sure you are wondering what on earth that has to do with my topic,
and honestly, it doesn't have anything to do with the topic,
i am just setting up "my room" in your mind.
sitting here in my room,
i started to check my MySpace,
and i noticed one of my friend's statuses;
''what we do on earth echoes throughout eternity''.
wow, eternity?
how could something i do right now,
in this moment;
have ANY effect on eternity,
me, John Wylie, in my room, alone,
with only my Cheez-Its box and water,
my "doings" right now will have an effect on eternity!?!
first, to get a grasp on what is going on,
lets define eternity! sound like fun?
sweet! lets do it.
dictionary.com suggests that eternity is;
"1. | infinite time; duration without beginning or end. |
2. | eternal existence, esp. as contrasted with mortal life: the eternity of God. |
3. | Theology. the timeless state into which the soul passes at a person's death. |
4. | an endless or seemingly endless period of time: We had to wait an eternity for the check to arrive." |
it also has one more deffanition,
this one kind of makes my brain start ticking,
you ready for this?!.........
........are you sure!?
ok here we go;
"5.eternities, the truths or realities of life and thought that are regarded as timeless or eternal."
okay, so allow me to give you one of my favorite deffanitions of eternity,
it is simply......God.
yes, that is all.
God is the only thing that can possibly, can ever, and has ever live(d) eternally!
does that make sense?
we as Christians all agree that God is forever present,
and forever here.
it matters not what denomination we are,
what we do in church on sundays,
what "traditions" we have.
one thing that we as Christians can all agree on is that God is eternal.
He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.
as Revelations says; and we consider this true.
going back to "eternities".
in our lives we consider certain truths to last thru eternity, correct?
the sky is blue, and will always remain blue,
the ocean is salty, has always been salty, and will never change from salty,
we all consider some things in life to be eternally true,
but here is the catch.
the sky does not always remain blue,
what about sunsets?
is the sky not many different colors?
we tend to throw God out of the equation,
the biggest part of everything, and we throw it out,
we don't trust that God has TOTAL control over everything,
we just give him "credit" for these things,
then go about our lives.
how do things we do now effect this eternity?
how does me posting this online effect eternity,
well i don't have the answer,
and that is the catch!
one person may read this Blog, and say it is the biggest waste of time ever,
and another may read it and get a life changing moment,
and THAT will have an impact on eternity.
want a more scientific answer?
well i got one!
when i post this blog,
it will be sent to the server at BlogSpot,
more than likely sent wirelessly at some point in time,
what does that have to do with anything?
radio waves my friend,
this blog will be sent to the tower, but what then?
does it just get sucked into the antenna?
it will continue its quest,
thru the thing we call sky;
even thru outerspace,
this blog, will make it some day past Pluto,
to worlds unknown,
they may never read it, but it WILL go out in the world.
The conversations we have on our phones,
the e-mails we send to one another,
they are floating out there,
in outerspace!
thats NUTS!!!
anyways, i hope this Blog was not too confusing,
and not TOO long for you :)
leave me some comments to reply to,
i will be more than happy to clear things up!
love you, friend!
John Wylie